Instant win games are harder to find online than you may think. Sure the Internet
was pretty much founded on surfers getting something for nothing and having offers thrown at them, so the idea
of an instant win game actually being instant may not be so far fetched, but
the winning bit has most people a little leery. Take this site for example,
there is a great free game right below this paragraph, but you can't win real
cash on it!
Anything you come across that lets you scratch it off and tells you you've won
money or prizes or trips when they haven't even gotten your name yet
is most likely not a real prize. This type of advertising has become pretty popular
on the Internet of late, and it's pretty misleading. Games that you can win will
always at least ask for your email address and name first, a great many ask for
much more than that, like at an online casino. Be careful giving out your mailing address online, it can
be sold for cash by whoever you gave it too. I only give out my home address when
I'm playing at an online casino (who has to mail me my winnings) or buying something
from someone who has to mail me what I want.
Regardless, there are some games out there that are instant win games in spirit, if not exactly as instant as we wish. There are also a million and one names for these games online, but they are most often just called contests and sweepstakes. Some of the better ongoing contest and sweepstakes sites out there are listed below.
The fun of the scratch card style instant win game can only really be achieved
online if you play at an Internet casino.