Lotology: the new word for an old love of the lottery
Scratch cards have a long history in North American culture, and are popular
around the world. A recent trend, quite noticeable on the Internet, is the advent
of scratch cards as collectable items. In the early 90's the term 'Lotology'
was born in description of the unique hobby of collecting a range of related
items, from lottery tickets to scratch cards (both previously scratched and
unscratched). Many fan's of this post-modern hobby have petitioned to have their
self given name of 'Lotologists' included in the next edition of Websters Collegiate
Dictionary, so I guess we should be on the lookout for it. One thing Lotologists
may never be able to collect though, are our online scratch cards, but that
doesn't mean you can't enjoy them!
Each game has it's own high score list! Keep playing until your score is high
enough, then click 'add high score' to add your name to the Top Scores list.